Now a days all of us have a lot of important data on our computers like work file, business data, financial data and our personal data. If you want to protect your data you will have to keep it secure. There is an application named InfoLock which will provide secure encryption of your data
The InfoLock software used a very unique set of steps to provide secure encryption of data. The software uses various steps to perform encryption of data like it produces a master key from the combination of a passphrase and an optimized passkey which will be accepted from the user to encode the information. The passcode is a text word whereas optimized pass key is specified length binary which will combine to form the master key which will be used for encryption. The length of the optimized passcode will depends upon the amount of text. While it is not theoretically impossible to crack this algorithm, it can’t be done practically using the today’s technology until and unless either of the passcode or the passkey is provided.
Download frome here : Download InfoLock
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